We are all Artists

We are all artists. How we define, express, and experience art is different from one person to the next.

Art can be paintings, sculptures, colorful murals, music, poetry, needlepoint, pottery, cooking, writing, calligraphy, photography, or even the sound of a child's laughter. The list is endless.

Art is personal. It is a feeling that often can not be explained in words. Art done well is an unforgettable experience.

Join me as I discover, learn, and try all different kinds of art. Along the way, I will share the online and local resources, ask for suggestions for new types of art and supplies, get your thoughts on the resulting artwork, co-create with young and old and host talent with their passions.

My goal is to have a little fun as I learn and create some cool new art with the hope that I will inspire you to - Realize Your Art.

“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.”
— Albert Einstein