Featured Artist: Gerry Poe


Northern Illinois-based artist, Gerry Poe, is our featured artist of the month. Gerry is not a new artist; she has been enhancing her artistic skills over the decades using a variety of mediums including oils, acrylics, pencil, pastels, watercolors, and even paper mache'. No matter the project, Gerry has very creative suggestions and doesn't matter if it is a watercolor, carving a pumpkin, making a holiday ornament or a cooking recipe. She offers tips that make the outcome even better.


Over the last ten years, Gerry has focused her work on landscapes and animals in nature. Each one is more interesting than the next. Her colors are vibrant, drawing you into the details, experiencing the very essence of the work.


Like her work, Gerry is a vibrant and fascinating person with endless inner beauty. Learn a little more about Gerry as you scroll down through her interview and virtual gallery. Enjoy!



What are your earliest art memories?

My earliest memories of art were with my father. He encouraged me to express my inner creativity. Some of the most memorable is when I painted the walls in our bathroom. The first time I painted goldfish on the wall. The fish stayed on the wall for several years. Then after that, he challenged me to make the wall look like marble with various colors. I thought the results were beautiful. However, my grandmother said it looked like a stomach ache. This creation stayed on the walls for a few years much to my grandmother's chagrin.


Where did you learn your skills?

I had some classes in grade school and high school, along with a few courses at the Chicago Art Institute. For the most part, I am a self-taught artist using the internet to learn. Before the internet, I read about different techniques in books and then, just tried it. Trying it is the best way to learn.


What art mediums have you used over the years?

I have tried a little bit of everything - oils, acrylics, pencils, pastels, spray paint, watercolors, and even paper mache'. I have used these mediums to create paintings, costumes, parade floats, signs, and enormous stage scenery and props. You can do art anywhere.


What type of art have you not tried, but always wanted to try it?

It would be fun to try sculpting in wood or clay. Right now, I am trying to improve my portrait skills. I use family photographs as a reference. It is a challenge, and I like a challenge - it keeps my brain active, it keeps me young.


What advice would you give to a newbie artist?

Wipe your mind clean and just doodle. Get some paint and start.
